Thursday 23 October 2014


Let's start a simple review about paraphrasing :)
First of all, paraphrasing can be divided into three methods:

1. Grammar Help Method
2. Retelling Method
3. Chunking Method

Starting with the first one which is Grammar Help Method. This method can be used by:

1. Synonyms, where we substitutes some of the words with other word that carry the same meaning

2. Verb, by changing from positive to negative

3. Voice, in which we alter the active sentences into passive sentences and vice-versa.

4. Change the part of speech:
                 a) Nouns => verbs
                 b) Verb => noun
                 c) Adverbs => adjectives
                 d) Adjectives => adverbs

5. Sentences structure

6. Sentences linker; if, unless, therefore

Next is Retelling Method.

This method is done by summarizing and highlighting the main point of the topics. Besides, you also change the sentence structure and then, you deliver it in your own word.

For example, you tell your mom about how's your day going on. You are not going to tell every details isn't? you pick the story with most impact in your day to share. That is simply how retelling method works.

The last one is Chunking Method.

Chunking method commonly used when we are dealing with long paragraph.

1. We divide the paragraph into several pieces or chunks.

2. Next, we identify which one is the main point and which one is the accessory of the topic.

3. We substitute and change the sentences structure.

4. Poof! you are done :)

In my opinion, paraphrasing is one of the most crucial skills needed especially those who dealing with references and a lot of reading and sourcing. Paraphrasing makes you avoid plagiarism besides help you deliver the information in easier way.

In addition, paraphrasing provide space for you to add your own opinion and style in your writing.

Thank you for reading!