Thursday 25 September 2014


Hello there! Wishing that all of you have a nice day.

Done with plagiarism issue last week, now we are focusing on the second chapter; writing sources. Hmm... What is the first thing that come to your mind when 'writing sources' is mentioned? I personally thinking about citation, references on our writing such as internet, journal, video and a lot others.

Basically, writing sources are materials that used as references or guidelines in our writing. However, it is strongly reminded that any writing sources used in our writing must be cited or paraphrase as it is pretty sure that none of us want to get involved with plagiarism.

There are several evaluation that should be done to make sure that the sources are reliable and credible. First thing first, you have to check the URL of the website. Some reliable website will have like '.gov' , '.org' , or '.edu'. These kind of URL are mostly reliable and try to avoid URL such as blogspot, web forum or '.com' websites.

Next, be sure that the date is relevant which the websites consist of current information. Too outdated information could make the information less reliable. Also, do some check on the author. Make sure the author is well known in the particular field or an expertise of the topic.

These are some of the major sources in writing:

1. Search engine

Convenient, varies and limitless. These three words are enough to describe why internet tend to be our main writing sources. You can use it anywhere at anytime. You are able to read research done by Professor from varies country and you can search any topics, news, images or video regarding your topics in just a second. Daylight or night. However, there are some reliability issues regarding internet used. Therefore, internet user need to check and ensure that their references were wrote by authorized writer and can be verified.

2. Journal

Compared to random internet sources, journal is more reliable and precise as it is check by expertise and authority before being published. Besides, more factual documents and information are keeps in journal from time to time. Not to be forgotten, journals are also available in search engine which make it easier to be accessed. Although a lot of information can be gain from journal, it used to discussed specific topics in deep and taking a longer time to published that sometimes current information are not being included.

3. Verbal Sources

Writing sources also could be from verbal sources such as video, interview, talk or television show. Its reliability is depends on the speaker. For certain verbal sources like interview and talk where we can exchanged questions, it becomes more precise as we can directly understand topics discussed and get the feedback. Even though it is verbal, just like the other resources, it still requires proper citation.

These are some of the major sources in our writing. It is significant for you to check the reliability level of the sources based on the writer, time published and the contents. Besides, never forget to put an acknowledgement to the writer, speaker or whoever it may concern for their ideas or works. That is the most important after all.

That's all for now. Thank you for your time! :)


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